The Gazelle
Mar 24, 2025
Malavika Rajesh
In theory, the veto prevents rash actions, but in practice, it often stalls justice. Is it time to rethink it?
Aizhan Karpykova
“It’s not just about fasting; it’s about being more mindful, being kinder, and giving back.”
Manoj Dhakal
We often think that we love something or someone not for what they have but for what they are. But what does it mean to love something for its own...
Mayada Abuhaleeqa
Micah Jessicah Hein
“I was meant to be the writer, but you knew the plot long before I was ready to tell it.”
As the lines of coffee for enjoyment or efficiency blur, one has to think about what they consume every day and why.
Anna Stathopoulou
The recent German elections: what were the results, the performance of the far-right AFD, and what this means for German politics?
Muhammad Abdullah
COP16.2 in Rome secured a historic deal. The focus now shifts to turning commitments into action to halt biodiversity loss.
Naisha Rajani
Between president BRAT and “teen girl” Trump, how will future generations be able to determine good political leadership?