The Gazelle
Mar 24, 2025
Ella Benfield
Abhyudaya Tyagi
Huma Umar
Vatsa Singh
We ask for more on-campus vendors. We ask for more assistantships at higher wages. We ask for more paid summer opportunities. We ask for a temporary...
Simran Parwani
Reflecting on my own journey and the toxic learning culture in STEM at NYUAD is like searching for the end of a tangled web of yarn. I use data...
Caroline Sullivan
Truman Scholar and Class of 2022, Brown’s time in college has been driven by care for Black non-men. She spoke candidly about the emotional...
Cameron Wehr
Kaashif Hajee
Anushka Malla Upadhyay
Oorja Majgaonkar
Although Professor Loretta J. Ross encourages us to take a more compassionate and understanding approach in confronting differences, sometimes we...
Sobha Gadi
Neoliberal trade policies play a pivotal role in fostering economic inequality and disproportionately impact the Global South. To argue that global...
Mohamed Somji
Faisal Al Hassan
The Mina Zayed Exhibition made sure that the artists didn’t arrive into the area to snap the shutter and leave, but to spend time and think about...
Ibad Hasan
Discussing cultural identity from the individual’s perspective allows for greater visibility of the nuances of cultures on campus and bolsters...
Fatiah Touray
The campus climate survey assesses how our community experiences the environment at NYUAD with respect to inclusion, diversity, equity and belonging....
As the Covid-19 pandemic takes India hostage, the nation’s healthcare infrastructure has been stretched thin. While the blame lies squarely on Modi...
Dylan Palladino
John Green
Aided by Frank Luntz, the “Voices of NYUAD” open letter conflates bullying with reasonable criticism of bigoted ideas.
Githmi Rabel
By virtue of being a student at NYUAD, I am safer than most during a public health crisis that has made crematoriums out of public parks. I am...
Despite the efforts of well-intentioned individuals in administration, faculty and the student body, important curricular changes at NYUAD continue...
It is not just pay raises for graduate students that are on the table, the union is also pushing for an agenda that would promote a more inclusive...
Nandini Kochar
NYUAD Indian community members experience devastating loss, grief and guilt, as they watch their country crumble and struggle to breathe under...
The recently published “Voice of NYUAD,” – heavily edited by the right-wing wordsmith Frank Luntz, advocates against cyberbullying and for more space...
Mari Velasquez-Soler
Following the completion of a year of screening work at NYUAD, those pioneering the Saliva Testing Study reflect on their work and look towards the...
Aashraya Dutt
Read about the latest Covid-19 vaccine updates, including the possibility of mixing vaccines, temporary summer housing guidelines, and the Fall 2021...
Dhabia AlMansoori
The case of a Kuwaiti woman murdered by a man on bail spurs heated discussions about the state of women’s rights in the country.
NYU Abu Dhabi’s eighth annual Commencement ceremony will have not one, but two speakers.
NYUAD senior Mariam El Sheikh speaks about her clothing brand, its values and what inspires her.
Tom Abi Samra
As I wrote my capstone’s acknowledgements section, it struck me how indebted I am to others, not only intellectually, but personally. I don’t slow...
Charlie Fong
While forcing children to forgo their birth names for Western ones diminishes cultural identity and ingrains Western hegemony, it is also irksome and...
As Hong Kong’s autonomy comes under threat with increased crackdowns on freedom of speech and expression, we speak to five Hong Kongers to understand...
Michelle Hughes
Killian Dumont
Katie Glasgow-Palmer
With uncertainty and unverified information spreading around campus, the Sustainability Committee decided to find out how safe our water is. Is it...
From his college-years and professorial goals to Yale-NUS and heading Campus life at NYUAD, Kyle Farley reflects on student affairs, accountability...
Malak Abdel-Ghaffar
To the women of the Class of 2021, thank you for showing me the meaning of true friendship and belonging.
Morgane Motlik
The Gazelle spoke with members of the Class of 2021 about their Capstones in visual arts, theater and music and how the pandemic-related restrictions...
Ari Hawkins
Recent events on campus have raised questions about how to create an environment conducive to productive communication. We interviewed a student...
In many ways, I’m learning that I probably won’t get better. Depression is always going to be the unwanted guest at my house — it’ll just be easier...
Bryan Waterman
Professor Bryan Waterman’s heartfelt message to the graduating class this year.
Should we be concerned about Abu Dhabi’s air pollution? By understanding where it comes from and how to monitor it, we can take more effective...
Ian Hoyt
“We’re still clueless how this got past the IRB,” exclaimed the lead principal investigator of the experiment.
Oscar Bray
To describe Preciado and Bornstein’s works with one word, it would be: irreverent. Their literature represents cornerstones of queer literature,...
Manav Mody
While Biden’s lofty tax policies might appease the majority, they can hurt the financial markets that drive economic growth.