The Gazelle
Mar 24, 2025
Khaled Alhosani
The NYU Abu Dhabi Community Bids Farewell to Outgoing Vice Chancellor, Alfred Bloom with an extravagant ceremony.
The Gazelle Staff
President Hamilton calling Students for Justice in Palestine divisive shows an inability to empathize with the Palestinian struggle and is an attempt...
Daniel Lee
Bea László & Maggie J. Ahn cover Hozier's Take Me to Church in this week's Lounge Lives.
Ari Hawkins
Emily Broad
Kyle Adams
Students walked away with real world experience and new skills as they worked to solve challenges present in the Arab World.
Across from the Royal Rose Hotel on Electra Street lies Abu Dhabi's only second hand bookstore.
Chisom Ezeifemeelu
Magazines are adapting to a shift in how media is consumed.
Karno Dasgupta
With never ending stories and, calculated execution, all Endgame gives us is heroic actions punctuated by infuriatingly short glimpses of what could...
Taj Chapman
This unique blend of horror, romance and witchcraft in Netflix’s reboot of the 90’s comedy takes some dark turns, making you question your own sense...
One of the few high-profile minority Trump supporters is nothing more than a puppet. Her ignorance is leveraged by conservative media and politicians...
Ian Hoyt
Refusing to leave until his capstone was complete, Broom blossomed into a global leader who truly left his mark on the NYUAD campus.
The 400 page Mueller Report on Trump’s alleged collusion with Russia, has been released to the public. Here is a rundown of what is in it and what...
Katharina Klaunig
Take note of what is happening on campus next week.
Catch up on what’s been going on in the UAE this week.
A look into what took place on campus last week.
Ming Ee Tham
NYU’s University Senate voted on three proposals in its final meeting of the year.