The Gazelle
Mar 24, 2025
Elyazyeh Al Falacy
As of the 2018/19 academic year, public schools in the UAE will integrate co-education to previously single-gender classrooms, beginning with Grade 1.
Sobha Gadi
A socioeconomically homogenous community cannot have the necessary range of opinions, experiences and perspectives that are a prerequisite to...
Dylan Palladino
Freedom of speech entails interacting and engaging with people of opposing and conflicting viewpoints, which oftentimes results in offense.
Tracy Vavrova
Melika Shahin
Jamie Uy
What happens when a film disappears? In a Sundance award-winning documentary, director Sandi Tan hunts down the ghost of her 1992 road movie...
Ian Hoyt
After years of discomfort on behalf of rightful residents, the era of non-consensual, unpredictable de facto suitemates has come to an end — unless...
Steffen Holter
IDLES’ new album, Joy as an Act of Resistance, is the best rock album I have heard in 2018.
A look into what’s happening on campus next week.
A look into what took place on campus this week.
The UAE now requires visitors to register their prescription medication before arrival.
A look into what’s been going on in the UAE this week.
Soohyun Hwangbo
The New City Palace restaurant serves hand-pulled noodles, shrimp dim sum and soul-warming beef broth.
Anna Pustovoit
At NYUAD, students can learn to humanize even those who they would otherwise hold serious disagreements with, and to me, this is exactly what makes...
Noora Rivers
It’s 2018. I am attending one of the most diverse universities in the world, but we still judge each other by superficial cultural differences.